Custom grinder machine development for Logifaces concrete bricks
The well-known, successful game, Logifaces, ( are made from fine, fiber-sreinforced concrete. The bricks has...
The making of The Experimental standing chair, MOME MA degree 2015
In the project section you can read about my work. Here, i share pictures about...
Winder Ice skate concept
In 2014, Balaton lake in Hungary was the common them we have to create something along. After some research in currently used ice skates...
Making of the Formula student electric car body
The design process was made in Solidworks student version. After the finish of the final design Busa Bt. CNC-machined roughly the foam...
Implant drill box design for Smart Dental Solutions
While using pre-manufactured, standard boxes, smart wanted unique boxes for they high quality dental drill set. The drills must be...
Vacuum cleaner concept - learning to use Autodesk AliasStudio
"Two side panels hugging the inner parts, go around them like a coat." - It was the main idea. The first steps were the sketches to find...
Ammune bicycle stem design
I created a form, where two continuous line seperates the surfaces. Structural strength was considered while reached final design.
Form and construction study of the jumping leg of the Mantis
After i examined the jumping legs of a Mantis, i reconstructed the form and the mechanical behavior of the junction. The force was...
Gear drive design for an existing magnetic crack tester machine
A company who make train steel parts have to test the parts if they are broken or cracked, asked for a plan to drive the head electrically.
Factory building crane repair and drive design
Lost and damaged parts never found, the new drive chains are different from the original. New wheel, new console, new motor and gear. The...